Well, Sunday was dry and sunny and then it rained.....
It wasn't just a little shower here but constant heavy rain for hours on end. The problem is that when the fields are dry the water just runs off rather than soaks in.
I went for a short run Monday evening along Mouse Lane; this is well known locally because it does end up looking like a river somedays so it was no surprise to be running through ankle deep water and to see people blocking their doorways with sandbags. The South Downs looked wonderful with low cloud and mist....

The following morning I was up early for a slightly longer run; the dilemma was whether to run over the Downs knowing I would have very wet feet from the start or run down towards the river where I know I will have dry feet for the first two miles and then see what it looked like.
Because I was also still recovering from Sundays half marathon I opted for the slightly easier river route. When I got to the river the water level didn't look too bad and the fields nearby looked relatively free from flooding so I carried on, even at the first bridge it still looked fine !

It was only when I left the river banks and headed inland to go home that I started finding the deeper water blocking my path. This is an area that I know well and I am also well aware of the power of fast flowing water, even if it is only relatively shallow so when my path was blocked by flood water I did stop to see if I thought it would be safe to go through or if I should turn round.. I could see the path emerging from the water ahead of me and the water was still rather than flowing so I continued on my way and was soon up to my knees in it (there goes the dry feet !) once out the overside I continued up hill.

There were loads of little baby bunnies, about the size of my hand :) with the rain and warmth everything, including the nettles, had grown up to about waist height so the next section of the run was quite hard work. But, I thought I was through the worst of the water and would soon be on a road heading home...
I joined the road but had forgotten how low lying it is, went round a corner and as far as I could see was water. At this point I had a decision, to go through it or to take a 4 mile detour..... I opted for the "go through it" option :) luckily although the water was more than knee deep it didn't come up to my waist, I stayed in the middle of the road (normally the highest point) and did actually manage to "run" through it. If I'm honest I quite enjoyed it, maybe there is a child in everyone that likes splashing in BIG puddles knowing you won't get told off !

So, I made it home, rather slow and rather soggy but boy what a great run :)
And for tomorrow ?? I have the Downs / River decision to make again.....
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