We now have puppy number two; another Cockapoo called Honey. It will be another couple of months before she comes out running with me :)
I have been out enjoying this beautiful weather. After training during one of the worst winters we have seen it is wonderful to be out running in shorts and vest top and planning runs for when it won't be too hot...
I have also shed a few more pounds over the summer and I'm now at a weight that I'm comfortable with. In the last three and a bit years of running I have gone from size 14 clothes being too tight to size 8 fitting very well... I have also lost about 25% of my body weight.
What is different this time compared to all the other times that I have lost weight is that it has taken me a long time to achieve this. There have been no fad diets, just a change in my eating habits and regular running. I'm drinking far less than I ever have and eating far more fruit and veg than ever. So yes, this time I am quietly confident that the weight loss will be permanent.
With the training I am doing with UK Athletics for my full coaching qualifications I am learning far more about diet, metabolism and the human body than ever and I am finding this fascinating. As part of my training I will be coaching individuals to help them achieve their goals, something that I find very rewarding :)
On a personal note I still have a few races left to run this year. I have been managing to beat my personal best course times on almost every race I have run this year; the exceptions being when I have run with someone else to support them....
I know Christmas will be here before I know it, then it will be back to marathon training for the spring.
In the meantime I'm getting out running and enjoying views like this :)

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